Whether you’re going camping, backpacking, picnicking or tailgating, an insulated backpack cooler can come in handy. They are both functional and convenient, plus many of them are designed to keep items cool – or warm.
Outdoor Active Gear makes several of these “cooler backpacks”, but the Sports Pack is one of my favorites because it is simple, comfortable and affordable. And it’s not small either. the pack measures 12″ x 14″ x 10″ and can fit 20 soft drink cans PLUS ice.
If you don’t like royal blue (shown), you can also get this pack in red, green, grey and camo.
The Polar Bear Coolers Backpack has more of a square design (as shown in the photo on the left). It’s a tougher, heavy-duty bag and is priced accordingly.
Also check out the Rockbros Cooler Backpack and how it compares the Yeti. It’s conveniently durable for rugged adventures, has great cooling capacity and costs less than its competitors.
If you want to keep ice from melting for 24 hours or you need to keep food hot for long periods of time, this is your pack.
Its high-density open-core foam keeps the backpack extremely well insulated – plus it’s leak-proof, so you can travel with it for longer periods of time and definitely use it outdoors.
Measurements: 18″ x 12″ x 7″
Color: Burnt Orange
In addition to being a backpack, this traveling cooler also comes with a removable shoulder strap. It’s more versatile than other models, and it can also keep items cool or warm.
And don’t be deceived by this soft-sided cooler. First impressions may lead you to believe that this is just some fun bag. However, it has DOUBLE the insulation of many of its competitors and is guaranteed to hold ice for 24 hours in 120 degree heat.
It’s also leak-proof and has a separate pocket for dry items (in addition to the 2 exterior side pockets).
Colors: navy, black, royal blue, red (shown), charcoal or mossy oak camo print
Capacity: 18 cans and about 8 pounds of ice.
Picnic Time Zuma Insulated Cooler Backpack
Need a 2-section backpack cooler bag? Check out the Zuma. It’s divided into 2 large sections, so if you don’t want to carry everything in the cooler (or warmer) you don’t have to. The non-insulated section is large enough to fit items like clothing or towels, etc.. It’s more of an all-around-use bag, whether you need to insulate items or not.
Think beach trips, picnics, sporting events, fishing trips and more.
Colors: black, blue, red, lime (shown) and beige
The Igloo Marine Cooler Backpack
Designed to withstand harsh marine conditions, the Igloo backpack cooler is made with uv-protected and mildew resistant material plus it has non-corrosive hardware.
And no, you don’t have to be on a boat to use it.
It also resists stains, odors and leaks, plus it uses more insulating foam to keep items cooler for longer. The easy-open lid on top is another feature.
A potential drawback: it only comes in white.